Monday, March 31, 2008

March is going out like a lion... it's pouring rain, (thank heavens not snow!) I'm just getting over the flu. I was down completely for a few days, but it has taken me longer to bounce back than usual. I'm mainly tired. If you know me and the energy I normally exhibit, you can understand that I'm frustrated not to be peak levels!
Katie turned 12 last week. I turned 37 last month and didn't feel as old as I did when I thought about my little girl at 12. She now enters the youth program at church. I'm not worried about her there-- I consider all the girls in Young Womens as "my girls". I worked with them for almost three years and know most of them quite well. I suppose it's just that it's hard to see your kid get older. Katie still is quite young for her age: she still has an active imagination, but it's hard to think of her as having "crushes" on boys and starting to consider her jewelry options (This refers to jewelry that isn't made out of pink plastic and in the shape of a dolphin, mind you...)
Perhaps feeling the weight of my own mortality will bring out the better parent in me. I find myself recalling what I was like at 12 (scary!) and the amazing friends I had. I just want Katie to have all that is wonderful about this time of her life. She is a sensitive soul who cares deeply about the feelings of others. She also is fiercely independent (wherever did she get that from?!?) and makes friends easily. I'm not worried about her... Maybe I'm worried about me!

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